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Jade power network construction of power supply and catch happines

Release date:2014/09/26 click:times

Yulin city is located in the southeast of Guangxi, many small and medium enterprises, in the tight power supply situation, how the Yulin Power Supply Bureau will arrange for electricity enterprises? In February 7th, the interview team came to the Yulin Power Supply Bureau, launches the interview on the related work, doubt suddenly and solution: this year, jade for will to management improvement as the main line, combined with the reality of Yulin City, and vigorously promote the power grid construction, strengthen the work of quality service, do the wrong peak averting electricity production does not reduce, not lack of service.

Reporter discovered in the interview that, the Bureau, from top to bottom, clear objectives, clear thinking, departments, teams and groups of their own arrangements for this year's work is specific and practical. And in the day of the bureau held a working meeting, the bureau director Rao Shouping made working report, a group of digital gratifying: in 2011, the Bureau of comprehensive voltage qualified rate 99.87% city power supply reliability rate of 99.914%, electricity sales 5211000000 kwh, the project investment of 419000000 yuan. And in 2012 the main objectives is even more exciting: customer annual average outage time, third party review customer satisfaction, customer complaint rate to complete the company issued indicators, city power supply reliability rate is greater than 99.89%, electricity sales 5700000000 kwh, 439370000 yuan in fixed assets investment.