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For the south to put the strategy into specific Chuangxian work

Release date:2014/09/26 click:times

Guangxi Power Grid Corp general manager Huang Jinping in 2012 work report, will promote the strategic management in order to achieve in 2012, to put the strategy into specific Chuangxian work, full speed up the power supply bureau, Nanning Qingxiu branch of Guilin Power Supply Bureau, 3 pilot county power supply enterprises achieve the progress of work, improve the level of management of key indicators, pay attention to the extraction of sample, to promote the company pioneered work on the overall level of. The company pioneered the Nanning Power Supply Bureau as the first unit, February 8th, company news center spring go to the grass-roots interview group interview, interview to the Bureau will focus first on the job.

The new year, Nanning Power Supply Bureau how to promoting a work? The chief engineer Li Xiuning in an interview with reporters, said: "this year will be the implementation of a medium-term target for the south the key year, the current for the South after summarized the advance experience and analyze the outstanding problems of the Bureau of the existing, established a 'one two three four five' creating work mechanism, efforts to build a closed-loop management the inspection, supervision, evaluation, feedback."