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For strong anti building grid service "double 20" projects

Release date:2014/09/26 click:times

The reporter understands, Fangchenggang city for the city's 20 anniversary, puts forward the next two years to "make a big 20 event", "dry into 20 major events" of the "double 20" plan, in the "164 project of double 20", there are 4 projects by Fangchenggang power supply bureau is responsible for, there are 11 important things there is a direct relationship with the Bureau, all projects are required to power support.

Of Fangchenggang Power Supply Bureau, this is undoubtedly an important opportunity for development, but at the same time, power grid, power supply shortage of frame is weak and other issues are still prominent, the bureau according to the actual implementation of the work the spirit? How to seize this historic opportunity to seek a new round of development? How to build a strong power grid to ensure the project landing?

In February 8th, Fangchenggang Power Supply Bureau in 2012 working conference and the five session of the three Congress of workers on site, the bureau director Li Sijian in an interview with reporters, said: "in order to cooperate with the City Hall realizing this goal, we propose to do advance planning, power grid, power grid construction completed in place in place, power quality services in the 'three in place'. To this end, we will actively promote the establishment of power grid project land acquisition demolition work together the responsibility mechanism and the local government, speed up construction of power grids; actively with customers docking, open Easy Access, ensure that each project on time settle; strengthen the power grid inspection and maintenance, as far as possible to avoid power failure; actively respond to tight supply situation. By building a strong and reliable power grid, to provide quality and efficient services, to ensure that the 'twin 20 event' stem to do. At present, the work of my bureau to meet the city's twenty anniversary project construction has been in full swing, orderly."